My Lawyer is an Artist: Free Culture Licenses as Art Manifestos
Aymeric Mansoux
Originally published in ISEA2011 proceedings
Copyleft: This work is free, you can distribute and modify it under the terms
of the Free Art License.
Most discussions around the influence of the free software philosophy on art
tend to revolve around the role of the artist in a networked community and her
or his relationship with so-called open source practices. Investigating why
some artists have been quickly attracted to the philosophy behind the free
software model and started to apply its principles to their creations is key in
understanding what a free, or open source, work of art can or cannot do as a
critical tool within culture. At the same time, avoiding a top down analysis of
this phenomenon, and instead taking a closer look at its root properties,
allows us to break apart the popular illusion of a global community of artists
using or writing free software. This is the reason why a very important element
to consider is the role that plays the license as a conscious artistic choice.
International festival KIBLIX, Maribor, Slovenia 18 – 23 NOV, 2011
KIBLIX 2011 Festival - festival as a cultural performance - aims to be a platform where artists, who are hungry to know what researchers are doing and thinking, and researchers, jealous to know of artistic experimentation come together to explore, discuss and share their ideas.