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Drupal Workout 28.10.09

Drupal Workout Topics:

" Wie kann ich in Drupal 6.x meine Seite im Offline Modus einfach an mein aktiviertes Theme anpassen" ?

Eine Datei die es zu bearbeiten gilt ist die Datei settings.php

1. via ftp in das eigene Drupalverzeichnis einsteigen und die Datei settings.php runter laden.

2. Folgende Änderungen in der Datei vornehmen.

Im Code sollte im Vergleich zu der von Dir runtergeladenen Datei zeigen, welcher Teil nicht mehr auskommentiert sein sollte. Der Name "minnelli" muss durch den Namen des eigenen Themes ersetzt werden.
Achtung am Ende muss der "array" geschlossen werden. Auch hier auf die Aukommentierung die zu dekatvieren ist achten!


* Variable overrides:
* To override specific entries in the 'variable' table for this site,
* set them here. You usually don't need to use this feature. This is
* useful in a configuration file for a vhost or directory, rather than
* the default settings.php. Any configuration setting from the 'variable'
* table can be given a new value. Note that any values you provide in
* these variable overrides will not be modifiable from the Drupal
* administration interface.

* Remove the leading hash signs to enable.


$conf = array(

#   'site_name' => 'My Drupal site',

#   'theme_default' => 'minnelli',
//hier den Namen des eigenen Themes einragen//
#   'anonymous' => 'Visitor',

* A custom theme can be set for the off-line page. This applies when the site
* is explicitly set to off-line mode through the administration page or when
* the database is inactive due to an error. It can be set through the
* 'maintenance_theme' key. The template file should also be copied into the
* theme. It is located inside 'modules/system/maintenance-page.tpl.php'.
* Note: This setting does not apply to installation and update pages.


   'maintenance_theme' => 'pixture',


* reverse_proxy accepts a boolean value.
* Enable this setting to determine the correct IP address of the remote
* client by examining information stored in the X-Forwarded-For headers.
* X-Forwarded-For headers are a standard mechanism for identifying client
* systems connecting through a reverse proxy server, such as Squid or

* Pound. Reverse proxy servers are often used to enhance the performance
* of heavily visited sites and may also provide other site caching,
* security or encryption benefits. If this Drupal installation operates
* behind a reverse proxy, this setting should be enabled so that correct
* IP address information is captured in Drupal's session management,
* logging, statistics and access management systems; if you are unsure
* about this setting, do not have a reverse proxy, or Drupal operates in
* a shared hosting environment, this setting should be set to disabled.

#   'reverse_proxy' => TRUE,

* reverse_proxy accepts an array of IP addresses.
* Each element of this array is the IP address of any of your reverse
* proxies. Filling this array Drupal will trust the information stored
* in the X-Forwarded-For headers only if Remote IP address is one of
* these, that is the request reaches the web server from one of your
* reverse proxies. Otherwise, the client could directly connect to
* your web server spoofing the X-Forwarded-For headers.

#   'reverse_proxy_addresses' => array('a.b.c.d', ...),


3. Die Datei wieder am Server überspielen

Achtung die Rechte der Datei "settings.php" sollten dem User (Dir) gehören!
Sollte das nicht der Fall sein bitte eine Mail an