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Labor für Elektroakustische Musik Neue Medien Linz - 1rst Presentations/Performances

Wed, 30/06/2010 - 20:30 - 22:00

20:30 @ STWST Saal
Labor für Elektroakustische Musik Neue Medien Linz
supported by:, STWST


"Mahr whispers"*

"Mahr whispers" is a soundwork which tries to intonate the unpleasant
experience of a nightmare. A Mahr is a common mythical creature which brings bad dreams - the term
"nightmare" originates in this creature. In a metaphorical sense, during the time of the performance the artist impersonates a Mahr for the audience.

"Mahr whispers" is an unimodal work, visual impressions are obstructed due
to total darkness during the performance.

Several techniques are applied to unsettle the audience:

+ Utilization of alienated voice samples:Voice recordings are processed in specific ways in order to be recognizable as voice, yet not understandable

+ Audio spatialization: Audio spatialization adds the aspects of movement and space to the listeners experience
+ Changes in volume during playback: Sudden silences, as well as an abrupt increases in volume (within reason), are diversifying and minimize predictibility

+ Changes in rhythm: Unpredictable rhythm changes are another method to disturb the audience

The work itself consists of two parts:
+ A prerecorded track which provides the golden thread (containing mostly ambient and spherical sounds)

+ A life performance to round up the prerecorded track (to attend voice samples and rythmic elements)


"Die Fauna meiner Umgebung"*
Music / Video / Performance

Kindheitserinnerungen, Wünsche oder Hürde prägen die Bilder und Klänge der
Musicbox. Für die Entstehung dieses Stücks nahm ich einige meiner bevorzugten
Fetische, die "Fauna" meiner Umgebung (ein Geschäftsman, eine beauty Queen,
ein fliegendes Schwein...), ein paar Klänge und Sorgen meines Alttags.
Bilder und Töne werden mittels pd-Software in echt Zeit generiert.



The sound piece is a combination of mechanical sound and electronic music.
AquaMull consists of a self-made sound instrument that generates mechanical
sound that is transformed by a computer in real-time. The aim is to explore
possible symbiosis between to different sound sources.

The composition is about water and with water. Thus, the work can be seen as
a soundscape of imaginary live in the water.


Tape DJ Hoodie Battle*

Two individuals, fancied up with super Hoodies performs a classic cassette tape DJ battle. Of course the whole setup is geared with PD patches to pimp out the usual sets.

Labor Für Elektroakustische Musik und Neue Medien


*What is Labor Für Elektroakustische Musik und Neue Medien Linz?*

Labor-Linz is a new self-supported space for the study and difussion of new
music and new media. Our mission is promoting activities related with new
ways of expression in both sound and art, with the focus on connecting
physical or virtual communities of people interested in our field.