Workshops are for developing specific skills relating to hardware, software, networks, applications, etc., and they are facilitated by women with particular knowledge and skills, who are willing to share their knowledge with others. Workshops have an explicitly practical orientation.
see all of them: here
PlayLabs provide an opportunity for exploring technology in unusual ways and making experimental connections, such as subversive techniques in everyday life, what happens when women “hack” everyday objects?
Taking a more experimental, playful approach to technology, using it in ways other than originally intended, playlabs question the values and assumptions underlying these intentions and ask “What else can we do with this?” Playlabs are hands-on, experimental situations.
see all of them: here
Away from the screen and into the streets ...
see all of them: here
Lectures are short presentations/demonstrations of special areas of interest/expertise intended to offer insights into special fields of research and experience, and to initiate discussions of specific topics.
see all of them: here
BOF – “Birds of a Feather” - sessions are ad hoc small gatherings of women who share an interest in specific topics. Please check the information posted on the walls at the check-in point in the Stadtwerkstatt for topics, times and locations of BOF gatherings.
see all of them: here
There will be performances by invited guests every evening at the Stadtwerkstatt, organized by the Stadtwerkstatt and open to the general public. Other music and performance events (also for a limited audience) are possible at other times.
see all of them: here