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Vorbereitungen .ogg Audio Stream unter Linux

Streaming Software: MuSe (done by our italian friend jaromil)

MuSE provides the free software community with a user friendly but powerful tool for network audio streaming, making life easier for indypendent free speech online radios.

MuSE is an application for the mixing, encoding, and network streaming of sound: it can mix up to 6 encoded audio bitstreams (from files or network, mp3 or ogg) plus a souncard input signal, the resulting stream can be played locally on the sound card and/or encoded at different bitrates, recorded to harddisk and/or streamed to the net. When sent to a server, the resulting audio can be listened thru the net by a vast number of players available on different operating systems.

To be operated MuSE offers graphical interfaces and a documented commandline interface in the good old unix style.

1. Eine Info an deinen Host ( dass du einen Zugang zum streaming Server brauchst.

2. download: (in unserem Fall das .deb für Linux)

3. öffne eine shell (Command line shells provide a command line interface)

4. werde root auf der Maschine von der du streamen wirst (su)

5. command: dpkg -i MuSE-0.9.2-i386-1.deb. Installiert das debian Paket.

6. das wars - die Software sollte installiert sein

7. verlasse den root Modus (exit oder einfach ctrl-d)

8. Starte das Programm in der shell - command: MuSe

9. die Streaming Information (HOST, Port) die dir der Admin zukommen lassen sollte eintragen.

10. "Mount Point" setzen = URL


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